Monday, September 15, 2008

When Pigeons Attack!

Oh they warned us. They tried to tell us in so many ways. Signs that say "Don't feed the pigeons" and even the Original Tour Bus guide told us they carried 8 diseases each more horrible than the last. We just didn't listen. Why oh God why didn't we listen?
It all started so innocently, a few Cheerios from Ryan's snack baggie. They look so hungry lets just give them a few...
Oh look they eat right out of our hands
Hey that tickles!
Oh dear God no! We have run out of Cheerios! Run! Run! Every man woman and child for themselves!
Oh no they caught up with Jessi...
Save yourself!
Another victim in the park
Please whatever you do..... Do not feed the pigeons!


Kiera said...

That is so funny! I laughed right out loud! Only after I stressed about the germs! Germs or not I wish I could have been there for this one! Thanks for the share!

Farman29 said...

Did you all get pooped on?

Anonymous said...

one word.....ANTIBIOTICS!