Thursday, September 11, 2008

London Science Museum

Sunday morning we decided to go see one of the wonderful museums here in London. There are loads of them but not many are able to capture the attention of a 1 year old for long. We had heard that there was lots to do in the London Science Museum so we loaded up and headed for the tube. We took it to South Kensington which was probably 3 miles or so away (doesn't seem far until you don't have a car) where we disembarked. There is a really cool underground subway that leads straight to 3 museums. I was expecting to take a ride but it turns out that that a subway here is just a big tunnel for you to walk under the city streets.

My first impression of the place was how big it was. There are 4 or 5 stories of museum and it is quite a walk from one end to the other. My next impression was a good one too. The museum is free! They take donations but you can come as often as you like for nothing. You pay to use the toilet here but this awesome museum is free. I guess thats the tradeoff hehe.

We saw tons of things including an entire level devoted to the history of flight with huge planes suspended from the ceiling and real examples of engines from planes all the way back to the early 1900's.

And yes it's true, that really is why they call it the crapper.

Here is a full sized reconstruction of the apollo moon lander. I no longer believe we actually landed on the moon. No way this thing landed and took off again from the moon. Noooo way.

This next picture will be really boring for most of you but my family was in the vaccuum cleaner business for the better part of a century so I had to snap a picture of the evolution of the vaccuum cleaner.

We spent most of the day here and will have to come back to see it all. We spent most of the time enjoying a really nice play area for the kids. Ryan absolutely loved it.

It was a bit packed but all of the kids were really good and Ryan loved playing in the water!


Dave said...

Wow, that's cool. Free museums are a cool thing but paying for the crapper!!! That's insane... I remember having to borrow Lira from a buddy to take a wiz in some museum I went to in Italy... Does it take debit cards!!! =) Who carries cash these days.

No Dyson in the evoluction of suction?

Definitely get your money's worth there!

Rob the Blog Ninja said...

Actually I believe that pink vaccuum on the far right is a dyson circa 1986 or something like that.

One cool thing I saw here was a bathroom with a Dyson hand dryer. It had a slot that you put your hands in and it blasts air at you so fast it dries your hands in like 3 seconds. It was very cool and almost kind of fun.