Saturday, October 1, 2011

Day 22 - hCG Diet

Weight - 206.0

The diet went well today as far as hunger goes I felt really good.  My energy level was good in the beginning but I had some projects around the house that seemed to sap it all away, and by the evening time I was really exhausted.  I bounced back after a few hours, but I felt like I normally wouldn't have been this tired from the work I'd done.

Lunch was right at 12 o'clock and as part of my pact with myself to keep my salt lower, I had a turkey burger with asparagus tips and an apple.  I didn't use any salsa which is pretty dang salty (but sooo delicious).

Dinner was a chipotle tilapia filet with more asparagus and an orange.  It was very filling and I only had one can of diet soda today opting to drink coffee in the morning and water (yuck) throughout the day.

No headaches today or any complaints, I did eat my dinner melba toast around 4pm which kept me satisfied until dinner. 

Only 3 more days until I stop taking the drops and move up to 800 calories a day.  Just knowing that this phase is coming to an end is making it really hard to not cheat.  I haven't been hungry, but it's so hard not to get a big popcorn at the movies or to stop by Sheridans for ice cream with the family.  Only a few more days, I can dooo it!


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