Monday, October 13, 2008

4 Crazy Dayz

A quick post just to let everyone know we are back after 4 crazy dayz in Paris. We left Thursday night late and didn't get settled into our hotel in Paris until around midnight. We visited or at least saw most of the major sites and took around 300 pictures. We got up this morning at 3:15 am and after a 3 hour train ride back to London, Jessi went to work and Ryan and I just got home at around 10am. We are all a bit weary and we have lots of stories to tell.

Until then!



Sam Ransom said...

Oh I can't wait for the details. I bet it was so much fun. But you definately need like a full day of sleep from the sounds of it. I love the new countdown on the side by the way!!

Anonymous said...

Looking forward to details and pictures!
Get some sleep!
Love you all bunches,

Jessica Estes said...

Can't wait to hear about it!!