Friday, June 26, 2009

So close yet so far away

I’m sitting at the station today and I’m really missing my wife and kiddo’s. 

Seth is getting so big, he is almost 9 lbs now (born 6lbz 14oz) he still squawks like a seagull occasionally but he is looking around more and eating like a horse.  He isn’t sleeping at night much anymore but what can you expect at a month.


Ryan is getting tall and talking his little head off all day long.  He runs, he dances, he climbs, he loves on his little brother and the dogs “Awwwwwww” he says when he gives kisses and hugs.  He has become a little fish and after a couple of times in the pool the summer he has taught himself how to swim with water muscles on.  He can spin around and propel himself by kicking and pretty much go anywhere he wants.  He jumps into the pool by himself and can even hold his breath underwater for a second.


Jessi had a tough night last night, we divide our baby duties and I take over after I get off work in the morning so Jessi can nap and then the next night is mine all night.  The night before I go to work is  Jessi’s  and Seth didn’t give her a break at all.  4 hours went by from 12:30 – 4:30 where the baby did nothing but poop, pee, and puke through his outfits.  Be praying that she gets a nap when Ryan goes to bed this afternoon.



Sam Ransom said...

What a sweet post. Poor Jessi! She can always call me to come over and watch the kids for a bit so she can take a nap. I wouldn't mind at all!

James said...

I'm cool with Sam going over to help... as long as she takes Sariah with her! ;)