Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Little boys and their trains

Ryan just loves trains. He plays with them, he wants to watch them on TV, he points and cries out every time he sees one when we are driving around. He can't fall asleep without his train and he wakes up every morning with a train and a train car (which he calls a "back") in his little almost 2 year old hands.

We have a nice train table and lots of train track for him to play with but the one thing we didn't have was a train table with all of the pieces glued down. Soooo yesterday I spent several hours in secret working through Ryan's naps and after he went to bed to put together what Brio believes is the perfect train track configuration. We were only missing one piece if you can believe that!

The morning arrived and the glue was set, Jessi and I brought him downstairs. Ryan took one look at the table, waved goodbye to both of us, and dove head first into Thomas the Trainland. We will miss you Ryan, have fun!

1 comment:

James said...

Dude, that is so cool. I can't wait for him to turn 10 and then we'll get him into model railroading! You have a ton of extra room in the basement, and all you need is about 4x8 feet!
