Saturday, May 30, 2009


Ryan and Seth's grandparents and uncle Matthew and Aunt Kathryn are coming into town next weekend. Woot!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Super Elmo

The only person Ryan shares his trains with is his pal Super Elmo.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Split Pea Soup

My favorite!

Sneak Peak

We had pictures done at the hospital and ordered a few. We don't have them in yet but I managed to capture one of the best pics off their website for your viewing pleasure!

Big Brother

Here is a quick video clip of my 2 little men. Ryan loves his baby brother.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Coming home

After 5 long days Seth is finally home. Thank you all for your prayers.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Well I don't think we are going to be taking Seth home with us tonight. He's a fighter but he's having some strange breathing problems that has our doctor baffled. He is fine 99% of the time but occasionally his sats drop and then they come right back up. He also has a wheezing that he does every once and awhile where it seems he is having some trouble breathing. So he stays for now. Hopefully good news tomorrow...

Thank you Sam for the awesome pictures.

He's back!

Littlest man is back in our room again yay! His jaundice is better
and his chest x-ray was clear. If his wheezing and low O2 sat is
better we may get to take him home tonight.

Monday, May 25, 2009

How about those baby blues?

Hmmmm this could be the first time that has ever been spoken about a
baby's feet. Even with the UV light on Seth still has the cutesy
toesies in town.

Little Boy Blue

Well we were all ready to leave with our new little guy today when we
found out that Seth is too jaundiced and is going to need an extended
stay in a baby tanning bed. He is doing well for being a bit premature
and we are hopeful that we can take him home tomorrow. Jessi is
feeling better and is getting up and around and has her appetite back.
Thanks to everyone for the food and for helping out with Ryan and the
beasties. You are the best.

Friday, May 22, 2009


Today our very cool neighbor Doug begins work on a landscaping
masterpiece at our house. I can't wait to see the results!

More trains


We took you to the airport this morning and Ryan was so sad when we
dropped you off I had to take him down to see trains to help him cheer

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Feeling Blue?

Just in case you think my life is perfect all of the time.

The day has finally arrived!

Last week we received an email from Rainbow Playsets, a company in Olathe that specializes in really nice playsets for kids. The email remarked that they had recently decided to liquidate some of their last years demo models and that we might be able to pick up the very last one for a great discount. We'd already been up there several times to let Ryan play on the sets and we've been checking other manufacturers and stores for quite some time. They had the exact set we were looking for and it was in perfect shape for a deep discount.

Monday I received a call from Rainbow that a slot had opened up for installation the next day if I wanted to jump on it. HECK YEAH!

They showed up in the morning and by the end of Ryan's nap we were playing like crazy. Sliding and swinging we had a blast.

They even threw in a chalkboard with chalk and an eraser for free.

Now I just need to buy some cool Jolly Roger pirate flags!

Little boys and their trains

Ryan just loves trains. He plays with them, he wants to watch them on TV, he points and cries out every time he sees one when we are driving around. He can't fall asleep without his train and he wakes up every morning with a train and a train car (which he calls a "back") in his little almost 2 year old hands.

We have a nice train table and lots of train track for him to play with but the one thing we didn't have was a train table with all of the pieces glued down. Soooo yesterday I spent several hours in secret working through Ryan's naps and after he went to bed to put together what Brio believes is the perfect train track configuration. We were only missing one piece if you can believe that!

The morning arrived and the glue was set, Jessi and I brought him downstairs. Ryan took one look at the table, waved goodbye to both of us, and dove head first into Thomas the Trainland. We will miss you Ryan, have fun!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Ugh you are so dang big

Ryan spent the night last night at his Nana's house. He loves his Nana more than me, I can accept that. The way he runs out of my arms screaming her name and looks back at me only to wave and say "Bye Bye Daddy" hurts but I understand. I had awesome grandparents and I know that they are special in a way that Daddy and Mommy can never be.
The thing that I can't accept is that he grows up everytime he goes over there. He leaves my house a baby and then comes back a little man.

Here is a before picture taken a few weeks ago.

Here is after one night at his Nana's.

Needless to say, I am going to have a serious talk with his Nana. This nonsense is going to stop!

Post Number 200 plus a bonus special dedication!

I am dedicating this picture to my good friend and favorite germaphobe Kiera Ritterbusch.

Jessica Estes's Baby Shower Pictures

Friday, May 8, 2009

When you're done you're done!

Missing one little boy
Answers to the name Dominic
Last seen - Heading towards the closet
Please contact us if you see him.

Cat Scratch Fever

It turns out that cats are good for something. They make a fine mattress.

They are also quite a bit more patient than you'd think.

Love is in the air

Ahhh springime. A time of new things, of blossoming flowers and budding relationships.
What better way to show your affection than flowers!

Ok he really wanted to eat them but hey it's the thought that counts right?