Wow what a great movie! Thanks to Jessi's mom Patti for watching Ryan so Jess and I could enjoy a nice date-night to celebrate the sale of our house. We went to Kato Japanese Restaurant and enjoyed some sushi, cocktails, and edamane. Then we headed to the AMC to relax, eat milk duds and watch Batman - The Dark Knight.
It was a wonderful night and we had a great time. I highly recommend the movie and Heath Ledgers performance is definitely worthy of some awards.
If you ever go to Kato, the Chief sushi is awesome. I'm also a huge fan of the Philadelphia. Neither of them are raw and they are both very tasty with a bit of soy, a smidge of wasabi, and a piece of ginger on top. Yummah!
James saw it last week too and said it was really good. I will probably not see it until it comes out on video. Maybe I will have to try sushi. I never had, but everyone keeps telling me how good it is!
It's good. A little dark but awesome.
Sushi is really good and contrary to popular belief there is a lot of sushi that isn't raw. Trust me, Jessi is not going to run around eating raw fish and she has eaten sushi with me several times ;)
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